Cosmo's Factory is undoubtedly the last great record of Creedence Clearwater Revival, rock band led by singer / guitarist John Fogerty (his voice hoarse, his lumberjack shirt, his hair cut at bowl '). Released in 1970, the album follows three monstrous albums released in 1969 (for 3 yep), Bayou Country, Green River and, best of three (and the group), Willy And The Poor Boys. These three albums rather short (between 30 and 34 minutes) offered the band their biggest tubes, 'Bad Moon Rising', 'Down On The Corner,' 'Fortunate Son', 'Proud Mary', 'Born On The Bayou', 'Lodi', 'Green River', no less! After these three summits, the group had to persevere. Also Cosmo's Factory, significantly longer than previous (it lasts 42 minutes), does not disappoint at all, from that side. The album offers masterpieces, as was the case for the previous three monuments. There is a revival of 'My Baby Left Me' Arthur Crudup, another remarkable and extension (11 minutes) of standard 'I Heard It Through The Grapevine', originally sung by Marvin Gaye. There are other recovery, 'Before You Accuse Me' (Bo Diddley song that will subsequently also taken up by Eric Clapton). It includes, above all, 'Up Around The Bend' haunting riff, 'Run Through The Jungle', 'Who'll Stop The Rain' and 'Ramble Tamble'.
The group is the top of his game and delivers a masterpiece sent word to Bob Dylan that was the best album of 1970.Cosmo's Factory est indéniablement le dernier grand disque de Creedence Clearwater Revival, groupe de rock mené par le chanteur/guitariste John Fogerty (sa voix rauque, ses chemises de bûcheron, sa coupe de cheveux 'au bol'). Sorti en 1970, l'album fait suite à trois monstrueux albums sortis en 1969 (pour les 3, hé oui), Bayou Country, Green River et, le meilleur des trois (et du groupe), Willy And The Poor Boys. Ces trois albums assez courts (entre 30 et 34 minutes) offrirent au groupe leurs plus gros tubes, Bad Moon Rising, Down On The Corner, Fortunate Son, Proud Mary, Born On The Bayou, Lodi, Green River, rien que ça ! Après ces trois sommets, le groupe se devait de persévérer. Aussi Cosmo's Factory, nettement plus long que les précédents (il dure 42 minutes), ne déçoit pas du tout, de ce côté-là. L'album offre des chef d'oeuvres, comme ce fut le cas pour les trois monuments précédents. On y trouve une reprise du My Baby Left Me d'Arthur Crudup, une autre, remarquable et à rallonge (11 minutes) du standard I Heard It Through The Grapevine, à l'origine chantée par Marvin Gaye. On y trouve une autre reprise, Before You Accuse Me (de Bo Diddley, chanson qui sera par la suite reprise aussi par Eric Clapton). On y trouve, surtout, Up Around The Bend au riff obsédant, Run Through The Jungle, Who'll Stop The Rain et Ramble Tamble. Le groupe est au sommet de son art et délivre un chef-d'œuvre qui fit dire à Bob Dylan que c'était le meilleur album de l'année 1970.