This is the first album of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (and the second album of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, as the base, it is a trio), it was released in 1970 and was double platinum right out on the same day, incredible thing as that sounds. This disc is called Déjà-Vu and came out in a sublime pocket a little typical 'retro', a sepia photograph of the quartet aged surrounded by their two musicians, Dallas Taylor (drums, the last right) and Greg Reeves ( bass, Black beside Graham Nash). Otherwise, left to right, it's Neil Young (guitar, vocals, compositions), Stephen Stills (guitar, keyboards, bass, vocals, compositions), Graham Nash (vocals, compositions) and David Crosby (guitar, vocals, compositions ). Among the different albums of CSN & Y, Déjà Vu is one that reaches perfection. In addition it reflects the friendly dream of Woodstock Nation, it demonstrates the tremendous creative power of the four musicians will not detract from the personality to each. Whether 'Woodstock', 'Teach Your Children', 'Almost Cut My Hair' or 'Helpless', the pieces are acoustic or electric, Déjà Vu, magnified by the vocal harmonies that give substance to what is the Californian myth, sounds like one of the most shining examples of humanism against-cultural. A timeless masterpiece that has influenced and continues to influence countless composers worldwide!
C'est le premier album de Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (et le second album de Crosby, Stills & Nash, car à la base, c'est un trio), il est sorti en 1970, et fut double disque de platine dès sa sortie, le jour même, chose aussi incroyable que ça puisse paraître. Ce disque s'appelle Déjà-Vu et est sorti sous une sublime pochette un peu typée 'rétro', une photo sépia vieillie du quatuor entouré de leurs deux musiciens de studio, Dallas Taylor (batterie, le dernier à droite) et Greg Reeves (basse, le Black à côté de Graham Nash). Sinon, de gauche à droite, c'est Neil Young (guitare, chant, compositions), Stephen Stills (guitare, claviers, basse, chant, compositions), Graham Nash (chant, compositions) et David Crosby (guitare, chant, compositions). Parmi les différents albums de CSN&Y, Déjà Vu est celui qui atteint la perfection. Outre qu'il reflète le rêve convivial de la Woodstock Nation, il témoigne de la formidable puissance créatrice des quatre musiciens qui n'entame en rien la personnalité propre à chacun. Que ce soit 'Woodstock', 'Teach Your Children', 'Almost Cut My Hair' ou 'Helpless', que les morceaux soient acoustiques ou électriques, Déjà Vu, magnifié par des harmonies vocales qui donnent de la substance à ce que représente le mythe californien, sonne comme l'un des plus lumineux témoignages de l'humanisme contre-culturel. Un chef-d'oeuvre indémodable qui a influencé et continue d'influencer un nombre incalculable de compositeurs à travers le monde!
Tracks :
Side one
1. Carry On (Stills) – 4:25
2. Teach Your Children (Nash) – 2:53
3. Almost Cut My Hair (Crosby) – 4:25
4. Helpless (Young) – 3:30
5. Woodstock (Joni Mitchell) – 3:52
Side 2
1. Déjà Vu (Crosby) – 4:10
2. Our House (Nash) – 2:59
3. 4 + 20 (Stills) – 1:55
4. Country Girl (Young) – 5:05
Whiskey Boot Hill
Down, Down, Down
Country Girl (I Think You're Pretty)
5. Everybody I Love You (Stills, Young) – 2:20
Line-up :
David Crosby - guitar, vocals
Stephen Stills - guitar, bass, keyboards, vocals
Graham Nash - guitar, keyboards, vocals
Neil Young - guitar, harmonica, piano, vocals
Jerry Garcia - steel guitar, slide guitar
Greg Reeves - bass, percussion
John Sebastian - harmonica
Dallas Taylor - drums
Enjoy :