Diamond Girl is generating two tubes, the title song which reached sixth place on the charts US and 'You May Never Pass This Way Again'. Other titles deserve shown them great interest. This is the case of the moving ballad Ruby And Billie Lee, a piece written for their wives that this diamond is offered. Their Baha'i faith is found in 7 minutes of 'Nine Houses' with oriental notes (good performance Dash Crofts on electric mandolin) and 'Intone My Servant', the most anonymous of this directory, but not uninteresting and mouth- hole provided. With 'Standing On A Mountain Top', more country-rock, folk-pop and that is the envy of dancing like a madman, the Texas couple has a flashback, back when he played in the Fields ( from 1958 to 1965). It is this period that serves as frame 'Dust On My Saddle'. And then there is this wonderful 'Jessica', too concise to appreciate the very substance, the pleasant 'It's Gonna Come Down (On You)', 'Wisdom', which detonates in this context but which closes this disc ( sax there is the star) on a jazzy note. All that is firmly rooted in the folk-rock production of the seventies and it was Louie Shelton that we owe it sound so sophisticated that is the trademark of Seals & Crofts.
Diamond Girl est générateur de deux tubes, la chanson titre qui atteint une sixième place des charts US et 'You May Never Pass This Way Again'. D'autres titres méritent qu'on leur témoigne un grand intérêt. C'est le cas de l'émouvante ballade Ruby And Billie Lee, un morceau écrit pour leurs épouses auxquelles ce diamant est offert. Leur foi bahaïste se retrouve dans les 7 minutes d'un 'Nine Houses' aux notes orientales (belle prestation de Dash Crofts à la mandoline électrique) et 'Intone My Servant', le plus anonyme de ce répertoire, mais pas inintéressant et bouche-trou pour autant. Avec 'Standing On A Mountain Top', plus country-rock, folk-pop et qui suscite l'envie de danser comme un damné, le couple texan s'offre un retour en arrière, du temps où il évoluait au sein des Champs (de 1958 à 1965). C'est cette même période qui sert de trame à 'Dust On My Saddle'. Et puis, il y a ce merveilleux 'Jessica', beaucoup trop concis pour en apprécier la substantifique moelle, le plaisant 'It's Gonna Come Down (On You)', 'Wisdom', qui détone dans ce contexte mais qui clôture ce disque (le sax y tient la vedette) sur une note très jazzy. Tout ça est solidement ancré dans la production folk-rock des seventies et c'est à Louie Shelton que l'on doit ce son si perfectionné qui est la marque de fabrique de Seals & Crofts.
Seals & Crofts - Intone My Servant
Seals & Crofts - We May Never Pass This Way Again
Seals & Crofts - Nine Houses
Seals & Crofts - Standin' On A Mountain Top
Seals & Crofts - It's Gonna Come Down (On You)
Seals & Crofts - Jessica
Seals & Crofts - Dust On My Saddle
Seals & Crofts - Wisdom
From ' Diamond Girl', 1973

Seals & Crofts - We May Never Pass This Way Again
Seals & Crofts - Nine Houses
Seals & Crofts - Standin' On A Mountain Top
Seals & Crofts - It's Gonna Come Down (On You)
Seals & Crofts - Jessica
Seals & Crofts - Dust On My Saddle
Seals & Crofts - Wisdom
From ' Diamond Girl', 1973

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