With this "Second Season" that arrives in record stores in 1977, Point Blank confirms that it is one of the best combos of Heavy Southern rock of the decade. But beware, in the section of desperados arsonists. Because if the cover deceives his world, letting the neophyte believe in a Country-rock cake, between the Eagles and the Charlie Daniels Band, the quintet did not give up. Far from there.
Avec ce "Second Season" qui arrive dans les bacs des disquaires en 1977, Point Blank confirme alors qu'il fait bien parti des meilleurs combos de Heavy Southern rock de la décennie. Mais attention, dans la section des desperados pyromanes. Car si la pochette trompe son monde, laissant croire au néophyte à une galette de Country-rock, entre les Eagles et le Charlie Daniels Band, le quintet n'a pas rendu les armes. Loin de là.
Tracks :
1. Part Time Lover
2. Back In The Alley
3. Rock And Roll Hideaway
4. Stars And Scars
5. Beautiful Loser
6. Uncle Ned
7. Tattooed Lady
8. Nasty Notions
9. Waiting For A Change
Line-up :
James Burns - guitar, slide guitar, vocals
Kim Davis - guitar, vocals
Peter Gruen - drums, percussion
John O'Daniel - lead vocals
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