Wild Savages's second album, Stagefright. Hear ye, hear ye! Do you remember the days before the smoking ban when you'd leave a concert smelling of stale cigarettes and cheap beer, and the stench would permeate your rusted-out car on the late-night ride home, lingering in your nose the next morning? In other words, that's all Stagefright and it's totally great.
Le deuxième album de Wild Savages, Stagefright. Écoutez, écoutez! Vous souvenez-vous des jours précédant l'interdiction de fumer quand vous avez quitté un concert sentant les cigarettes viciées et la bière pas chère, et la puanteur imprègnerait votre voiture rouillée en rentrant tard dans la nuit, restant dans votre nez le lendemain matin? En d'autres termes, c'est tout Stagefright et c'est vraiment génial.
Tracks :
1. Stagefright
2. Acid Queen
3. Golem
4. Queen Bee
5. Magnolia
6. Lord of the Abyss
7. Could Be You
8. Spanish Moss
Line-Up :
Joe Kupiec- Vocals, Bass, Fuzz
Casey Dangerous O'Ryan- Guitars, Vocals, Face-melting
Stefan Krstovic- Drums, Good-looks
Enjoy Music :
Wild Savages - Stagefright (LP)

2. Acid Queen
3. Golem
4. Queen Bee
5. Magnolia
6. Lord of the Abyss
7. Could Be You
8. Spanish Moss
Line-Up :
Joe Kupiec- Vocals, Bass, Fuzz
Casey Dangerous O'Ryan- Guitars, Vocals, Face-melting
Stefan Krstovic- Drums, Good-looks
Enjoy Music :
Wild Savages - Stagefright (LP)

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